Saturday 1 May 2010

Cheating: Infidelity that is, not tricking someone.

So why do people in relationships cheat? According to my first article (1) it says that almost half of all people in relationships will cheat, but which half hmmmmm. Many say that the man is stereotyped to be more of a cheater than women, however it would seem that women are equally likely if not more likely to cheat then men (2), especially if they have large chins (3) read the article, you'll know what I mean.

There can be a number of reasons why people cheat on their partners, too many to discuss here but they range from; doing it on purpose to end a relationship, to fulfill their specific needs and even to get revenge. There are those who say that having multiple partners in a relationship is perfectly natural. They justify these claims by saying that in the past, our primal ancestors would have had multiple breeding partners. So are their ideas out dated? Can we justify a primal attitude in today’s advanced society? If yes to both of these, then why do you think people still cheat?


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Response to Siobhan's blog: Reply to Matthew's blog

I see where Siobhan is coming from, although there are many people who 'exploit' body modifications, some can be used for medical reasons. I would like to add that in my research body modification have been performed for thousands of years, it is only recently in today’s culture that some of these modifications can seem in-practical and bazaar.

Friday 30 April 2010

Body Modification: Pain for Pleasure?


Ok, back to the blog. The first site I looked at contains some of the most cringe worthy body modifications I have seen, especially item 6 on the webpage, body suspension. One word...OUCH!!! Of course not all body modifications are as extreme as this. There are more widely accepted variations of body modification such as breast implants, ear piercings and tattoos. On this webpage (2) there are listed a few example of people who have extreme body modifications, and also a list of different types of body modifications. So why do some people take it to extremes?

It seems to me that most body modifications are done purely for cosmetic reasons; therefore they must contain some appeal for the people who choose to have these modifications done. It also seems that modifying your own body is a form of personal expression that is administered for a variety of reasons. The reasons can range from a rite of passage to denoting affiliation or purely just for shock value.

(2) (Not of substantial credibility)

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Thursday 29 April 2010

Response to Laura's blog: Binge drinking

I agree with Laura's comments here on the topic of binge drinking, especially about the problems with A&E victims. There are people who have liver and kidney diseases caused by excessive drinking that take up organs which could be used to treat a person who has had no history of excessive drinking. These people are missing out because of the resources used up in the NHS and the damage that people cause to their own organs from an excessive intake of alcohol.

Below are a few articles relating to this issue:


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Eye for an eye?

'Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot' (Exodus 21:24)

Does this quote condone capital punishment as a morally acceptable form of sentence? Capital punishment is still used in 58 countries in both law and practice. There are 35 countries that can issue the death penalty but have not done so for at least 10 years and a further 9 countries that retain the punishment for exceptional circumstances (1). 95 countries have actively abolished the death penalty, however is this more of a result of recent social pressures and expectations?

In Exodus 21 there are many explanations regarding punishment, and it clearly details that if one man takes another mans life, then he should be put to death himself '… if a man schemes and kills another man deliberately, take him away from my altar and put him to death.' (Exodus 21:14). So is it morally acceptable to commit a crime against those who have committed a crime? The next article I looked at (2) was a news report saying that the step-father of baby P was scolded in jail by another in-mate. The in-mate in question is now cheered and applauded in the jail and the comment to this article at the bottom of the webpage seems to be mostly in favor of the actions of the in-mate.

So what is your opinion; is the death penalty morally acceptable for those who have murdered intentionally? Should we be celebrating the actions of the In-mate? If yes to both questions why do you think our country doesn’t practice the death penalty?

(1) (Part of Wiki Project; Human Rights and Death [B graded])

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Wednesday 28 April 2010

Binge Drinking: Students

The first article I looked at (1) said that binge drinking is a feature of student life and amongst UK undergraduates, it said that one in two male students regularly indulge in binge drinking exceeding the drinking levels of their peers in the general population. It was also conserened that tobacco use, drug misuse and unprotected sex are risk taking behaviours that may be exhibited whilst students are under the influence of alcohol, also listing some of the potential negative consequences of this, such as poor mental health, contracting a sexually transmitted infection, unplanned pregnancy, unintentional injuries to self or others.

The second article I looked at (2) was a news report on a 16 year old boy who puched a man to death after drinking for 12 hours. This is an illustration of the negative consequences that the previous article mentioned. The next article (3) is another display of negative consequences of binge drinking. In this case however the actual bar crawl was organised by the Birmingham based Varsity Leisure Group Ltd, this shows that they are in a way condoning the binge culture in Britain and possibly profiting from it.

The binge drinking culture in Britian is higher than other European countries and there always seems to be stories on this in the media. Is binge drinking out of control? Are the companies that draw on this culture to blame? Answers on a postcard, what do you think?


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Wednesday 31 March 2010

To lie or not to lie?

When looking into the topic of lying I decided to investigate the ethics of lying, and whether there are clear definitions between which lies are not morally acceptable and which are, if any.

My first challenge was finding distinct types of lies and if they were considered right or wrong ethically. There were lists and list of different categories that were considered ranging for social lies (white lies), quantities, qualitative, malicious etc. But upon investigation of each of these ‘categories’ there was always an exception for some categories. In this first link (1), the author talks about a different range of incidences and cases of lying, he argue that sometimes, even a bad lie that can prevent 10 other lies being told is considered morally correct. This confused my aim even more as the more I went along the more exception I found, in this next link (2) there was a medical case under discussion as to what information as doctor should disclose about certain details.

So here I was trying to find a clear black and white on the ethics of lying, and now I am faced with one giant grey area. To me this shows that lying is a vast topic of analysis and is distinguished by personal morals, for instance, one person may think that lying to a child about certain things is wrong and another may think it is morally acceptable. It would appear the lying is therefore ‘an unavoidable part of human nature'



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Thursday 25 March 2010


Instead of researching the vast amount of websites dedicated to stop people from smoking, I decided to see if there were any websites that said that smoking was good for you. This is because as a non-smoker I am introduced to a lot of publicity detailing how bad it is, yet I’ve always wondered, if it is as bad as they make it out to be, why do people do it? Interestingly enough there were considerably less websites dedicated to the 'health benefits' of smoking than the 'health drawbacks'. I have looked at the following page:, it is an article published by Devon Lantry, and although it is not of particular credibility of other established authors, he has some good points. He outlines three major benefits for smoking; smoking relieves stress, smoking relaxes your breathing and outside smoke breaks calm you down. In my opinion, smoking may yield certain benefits for people but you can't really afford to ignore all the bad effects smoking will have of you're health. I do agree with the smoking ban, because if people wish to smoke then they should be allowed to do so, but with consideration of other people.

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Friday 19 February 2010

Week 12 Suggestion

If I was making a suggestion for a field trip from the module guide, I would suggest either a class wide trip to the tattoo parlour to get some ink or going down to the town and play a game of "smash and grab". Let me be the first to suggest that neither of these option are either particlarily plausable or probable so I will leave the field trip ideas for others with better suggestion. Therefore it would seem that suggesting a topic would be the next logical step, easier said than done. The only other topic I can think of might be binge drinking, as this is one topic that most people have knowledge and/or experience of and a recent topic of media speculation (Novemeber being recent that is), it would be intresting to look at peoples motivations, experiences, reasons or even lack of!