Saturday 1 May 2010

Cheating: Infidelity that is, not tricking someone.

So why do people in relationships cheat? According to my first article (1) it says that almost half of all people in relationships will cheat, but which half hmmmmm. Many say that the man is stereotyped to be more of a cheater than women, however it would seem that women are equally likely if not more likely to cheat then men (2), especially if they have large chins (3) read the article, you'll know what I mean.

There can be a number of reasons why people cheat on their partners, too many to discuss here but they range from; doing it on purpose to end a relationship, to fulfill their specific needs and even to get revenge. There are those who say that having multiple partners in a relationship is perfectly natural. They justify these claims by saying that in the past, our primal ancestors would have had multiple breeding partners. So are their ideas out dated? Can we justify a primal attitude in today’s advanced society? If yes to both of these, then why do you think people still cheat?


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